Kitchen Garden

When Dinner Is Obvious

Fresh lettuce from the garden.

I harvested the rest of the first round of lettuce before it bolted. The last few years, I’ve been growing lettuce under row cover and it has fewer bugs and better growth than when I exposed it directly to the elements. A gardener does what works and this does.

That afternoon I separated leaves and cleaned them in the sink. I lay them out on a large bath towel to dry before putting them away. As the afternoon progressed, it became obvious some of the lettuce should be part of dinner in the form of a big salad. So that is what we did.

Lettuce forms the base, and whatever vegetables and other items are available goes in. For protein we usually use beans, or in this case, we had leftover baked tofu. The mix of textures and flavors is hard to beat for a summer supper. We eat only lettuce that I’ve grown, when it is in season. The rest of the year we do without. There aren’t many dinners that are obvious yet this is one of them.

One reply on “When Dinner Is Obvious”

Nothing like fresh lettuce from the garden. Overall taste and texture is far superior to store bought. Those lettuce heads as shown in the photo are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. Look like flower heads.

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